Sawt Safiri El Bolboli Inshad English Translation is a traditional Arabic poem, often sung or recited in a style called ‘inshad.’ Its title means “The Sound of the Nightingale’s Whistle.” The poem is usually credited to the 8th-century poet Al-Asma’i, though some question its true authorship. Known for its clever wordplay and complex structure, it is considered a challenging piece in Arabic literature. Many artists, including Ahmed El Qatane, have performed it.

Sawt Safiri El Bolboli Inshad English Translation - Ahmed El Qatane | Tob Tobi Tob
Sawt Safiri El Bolboli Hayyaja Qalbi Al-thamil
The sound of the nightingale’s whistle stirred my drunken heart.
Al-ma’u wa al-zahr ma’an ma’a zahri laḥẓi al-muqali
The water and flowers, along with the bloom of a glance from the eyes.
Wa Anta Ya Sayyidiali Wa Sayyidi Wa Mawlayli
And you, my lord, my master, and my protector.
Fakam Fakam Tayamani Ghazil ‘Uqiqli
How often, how often has a little deer with a necklace enchanted me.
Qataftuhu Min Wajnatih Multam Ward Al-Khajari
I picked from her cheek, kissing the rose of shyness.
Faqala La-La-La-La Wa Kad Ghada Mahrouli
She said, “No, no, no, no,” and then ran away quickly.
Mala Atrab Min Fi’l Hadha Ar-Rajul
The young woman swayed with joy because of this man’s actions.
Fawalwaltu Wawalwaltu Wali Wali Wayli
She wailed and wailed, “Woe to me, woe to me, oh my woe!”
Faqultu La Tawawwali Wa Bayna Al-Lu’lu
I said, “Don’t wail, and show me your pearls (teeth).”
Qalat Lahu Hina Kadha Inhad Wa Jid Bin-Naql
She said to him then, “Get up and strive with effort.”
Wa Fityatu Saqawni Qahwa Ka’l-‘Asal Li
And young men gave me coffee as sweet as honey.
Shammamtuhā Bāna Fi Aski Min Al-Qarw Fali
I smelled it with my nose, more fragrant than cloves.
Fi Wasat Bustan Hali Biz-Zahr Was-Surūr Li
In the middle of a garden adorned with flowers and joy for me.
Wal-‘Ūd Dun Dun Dun Li Wat Tobi Tob Tobi Tob Li
The lute went “dun dun dun” for me, and the drum went “tob tob” for me.
Tob Tobi Tob Tob Tobi Tob Tob Tobi Tob Tob Tobi Tob Li
“Tob tobi tob tob tobi tob tob tobi tob” for me (imitating drum sounds).
Was-Saqf Saq Saq Saqli War-Raqs Qad Tāb Ilayy
The roof went “saq saq saq” for me, and the dancing pleased me.
Shawā shawā wa shāhishu ‘alā waraq safarjal
He grilled and grilled, and roasted over quince leaves.
Wa Gharad Al-Qamar Yasih Millal Fi Malali
The partridge sang, crying out “millal” in boredom.
Wa Law Tarani Rakiban ‘Ala Himar Ahzal
If you saw me riding on a skinny donkey.
Yamshi ‘Ala Thalatha Kamashi Al-‘Aranjal
It walks on three legs, like the gait of a lame person.
Wa al-nāsu tarjimu jamalī fī al-sūqi bi al-qulqulal
And people threw stones at my camel in the market with a “qalqalli” sound.
Wal-Kull Ka’ka’ Ka’ka’ Khalfi Wa Min Hawayli
Everyone went “ka’ka’ ka’ka’” behind me and around me (mocking sounds).
Lakin Mashaytu Hariban Min Khashyat Al-‘Uqnqul
But I walked away, escaping out of fear of the shackles.
Ila Liqa’ Malik Mu’azzam Mubajjal
To meet a great and revered king.
Ya’muruni Bikhil’at Hamra’ Kal-Dam Damil
He orders a red robe for me, like blood with boils.
Ajurru Fiha Mashiyan Mabghadda Lidh-Dhayl
I drag it while walking, swaggering with its tail (the robe’s hem).
Ana Al-Adib Al-Alma’ Min Hayy Ardi Al-Mawsil
I am the brilliant poet from the land of Mosul.
Nadhamtu Qita’an Zakhraftu Ya’jizu ‘Anha Al-Adablu Li
I composed pieces so ornate that literature itself cannot match them.
Nadhamtu Qita’an Zakhraftu Ya’jizu ‘Anha Al-Adablu Li
I composed pieces so ornate that literature itself cannot match them.
Music Video
Song Credits
Song: | Sawt Safiri El Bolboli Inshad |
Singer: | Ahmed El Qatane |
Lyrics: | Unknown |
Music: | Ahmed El Qatane |
Label: | Ahmed El Qatane |